Dental crowns

“All you need to know about the dental crown……….” Have you heard about dental crowns? If your dentist is concerned about tooth decay or other issues affecting your tooth structure, dental crowns may be an option .This guide can help you learn about dental crowns and what to expect after the dental crown process. Before differentiating between the different types of the dental crowns, consider the functions they serve. 1. What exactly is a Dental Crown? A dental crown, commonly called a “cap” is a tooth – shaped restoration that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape and size, strength and improve its appearance. The crowns when cemented into place, fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line. It is made by a machine usually in a dental laboratory. 1. Why is a Dental Crown needed? There are different reasons why your dentist may recommend a crown for one of your...