Ways to Soothe ‘DENTAL ANXIETY’

Dental anxiety is a term used to describe fear, anxiety or stress in a dental setting. Being scared to visit the dentist can result in delaying or avoiding dental treatment. There are many reasons why some people have dental anxiety. Some of the common reasons include: Ø Fear of pain Ø Trust issues Ø A traumatic dental experience or other healthcare experiences Ø Fear of loss of control Ø Embarrassment and loss of personal space Ø Generalized anxiety, depression or post-traumatic experiences, including abuse Signs and symptoms: Ø Sweating Ø Visible distress, crying or signs of panic Ø Racing heartbeat or palpitations Ø Low blood pressure and possible fainting Effects of dental anxiety on health: Most dental disease is lifestyle-related and preventable. By avoiding going to the dentist, not only are you more likely to need more complex treatments when you do finally attend, but you are also missing out on learning how to better care for y...