Not every tooth problem comes with tooth ache. There could be problems growing inside without causing pain. Dentistry is a visually-driven profession. Without being able to see what’s going on under the tooth surface, a dentist is definitely left ‘flying blind’ to know what’s going on inside our teeth. X rays help give the dentist a better view of what’s going inside. Using x-rays to look in between teeth, underneath the gum line, and into the bones of the jaw, the dentist can get a much more thorough look than is possible with just the naked eye alone. How do X-rays work? X-rays provide a special type of light that can travel through your skin and bounce off of any metal target. The calcium in your bones is considered a metal target and allows X-rays to produce a picture that can clearly outline your bones and some of your tissue. This information is important to dentists because it allows them to take a look at the inner struct...