…Ways to get brighter and whiter teeth…

“To eat is a necessity…to eat healthy is an art…”

     Who doesn’t want to smile bright??? Well everybody       wants to have brighter and whiter teeth…
    But did you know there are certain foods which can help you in getting brighter and whiter teeth???

Just chewing on apples helps scrub your teeth. Apples also have a high concentration of malic acid, which is used in some tooth pastes. Malic acid increases saliva, which cleans your teeth and helps remove stains.

Like apples, strawberries also contain malic acid, and they have the added benefit of antioxidants that can help reduce stain-attracting bacteria and inflammation in your mouth and vitamin C in it can help prevent gum inflammation and periodontal disease.

Broccoli is high in fiber, and eating lots of fiber helps reduce inflammation in your mouth. Eating crisp raw broccoli can help clean and polish your teeth.

Cheese helps keep your teeth strong with minerals such as calcium and phosphorus and protein that protect the tooth enamel.

Drinking water throughout the day promotes saliva production, which in turn helps keep your pearly whites, well—white. Sipping water during and after a meal also helps rinse your mouth of any debris and loose plaque.
    “…Eat right and make your teeth shine bright…”

Dr. Krinita Motwani
Khar west, Mumbai.
Mbl : 9820280343


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