
Showing posts from June, 2018

Root Canal Treatment

“Preserve your natural teeth…...Root canals are really not as terrifying as you may have heard…..” If you were recently informed that you need a root canal, chances are the minute you left your dental office, you immediately began scouring the internet for information on this well known – but highly misunderstood – dental service. The internet can be a great place to gather helpful information, but it is also plagued by unreliable sources and dangerously inaccurate information. The following are the common myths and misinformation about root canals and tooth pain that are prevalent online. While finding out you are in need of a root canal can be frightening, the more you know about this tooth saving procedure and what it can do for your tooth ache and oral health, the calmer and more confident you will feel when you return to the dentist’s chair. -           You only need a root canal if you are experiencing tooth pain - ...

Teeth Whitening

  “Add white to your wardrobe with our teeth whitening”     May be you have always wanted a beautiful smile or your teeth have yellowed over time or you are not happy with the staining that results from drinking coffee, tea or cola. Whatever your reason for wanting whiter teeth, you are not alone. Just like we all have different hair and skin colour, people also have different tooth colour. Some teeth are more yellow than others, while others yellow with aging. Your natural tooth colour can also be affected by many factors. Brushing and flossing are everyday ways to keep your teeth bright, white and healthy. 1.       Why did my teeth change colour? Over time, your teeth can go from white to not so bright for a number of reasons:- -           Loss of enamel with age -           Certain food and drinks like cola, coffee, tea, red wine -  ...

“How oral health impacts overall health”!!!

Years ago, a physician who suspected heart disease would probably not refer the patient to a gum specialist. The same went for diabetes, pregnancy or just about any other medical condition. Times have changed.... The past 5 – 10 years have seen ballooning interest in possible links between healthy mouth and healthy body. Like many areas of the body, your mouth is filled with bacteria – most of them harm less. Normally the body’s natural defences and good oral health care such as daily brushing and flossing can keep these bacteria under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections such as tooth decay and gum disease. Conditions linked to oral health :- 1.       Endocarditis :- It is an infection of the inner lining of your heart. It typically occurs when bacteria or other germs from another part of your body such as your mouth spread through your blood stream and attach to damaged area...