“How oral health impacts overall health”!!!
Years ago, a physician who suspected heart disease
would probably not refer the patient to a gum specialist. The same went for
diabetes, pregnancy or just about any other medical condition. Times have changed....
The past 5 – 10 years have seen ballooning interest in possible links between healthy
mouth and healthy body.
Like many areas of the body, your mouth is filled with
bacteria – most of them harm less. Normally the body’s natural defences and good
oral health care such as daily brushing and flossing can keep these bacteria
under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections such as
tooth decay and gum disease.
Conditions linked to oral health :-
1. Endocarditis :-
It is an infection of the inner lining of your heart.
It typically occurs when bacteria or other germs from another part of your body
such as your mouth spread through your blood stream and attach to damaged areas
in your heart.
2. Cardiovascular
disease :-
Heart disease,
clogged arteries and stroke might be linked to inflammation and infections that
oral bacteria can cause. Hardening of the arteries causes plaque to develop on
the inner walls of arteries which thicken and causes an increased risk of heart
attack or stroke. People with gum infections are at increased risk of heart
attack and stroke. The more severe the infection, the greater the risk appears
to be.
3. Pregnancy and
birth :-
has been linked to pre mature birth and low birth weight. Babies born too early
or at a low birth weight often have significant health problems like asthma,
ear infections, heart conditions and learning disorders. Infection and
inflammation interferes with foetus
development in
the womb.
4. Diabetes :-
It reduces the body’s resistance to infection
– putting the gums at risk. Gum disease appears to be more frequent and severe
among people who have diabetes. People who have gum disease have a harder time
controlling their blood sugar levels, and regular periodontal care can improve
diabetes control.
5. Lung infections
People with
periodontal disease have more bacteria present in their mouth which makes them
more likely to inhale germs which can lead to lung infections like pneumonia.
For those who have pre-existing lung problems like chronic pulmonary
obstructive disease (COPD ) gum disease may make it worse.
6. Kidney disease
Poor oral
health seems to link to chronic kidney disease which affect blood pressure and bone health leading to
kidney failure and heart disease. Toothless adults have more chance to have
chronic kidney disease.
To protect
your oral health
Practice good oral hygiene every
day. For example :-
Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride tooth
Floss daily
Eat a healthy diet and limit between meal snacks
Replace your tooth brush every 3 – 4 months / sooner if
bristles are frayed
Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings
Avoid tobacco use
“Taking care
of your oral health is an investment towards your overall health”
Krinita Motwani
west, Mumbai.
Mbl :
9819002288 / 9820280343
: drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com
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