Is the taste of ice cream or a sip of hot coffee a painful experience for you? Does brushing or flossing make you wince occasionally? If so, you may have sensitive teeth. Once you’ve nailed down the cause, you can find a solution. v Don’t brush too hard. - Sometimes tooth sensitivity comes from brushing with too much force or using a hard-bristled toothbrush . Hence, use soft bristled toothbrush ,and work in circular motions with 45 degree angle to your gum. v Avoid acidic foods, drinks. -Soda, sticky candy, high sugar carbs attack the tooth enamel. Hence, snack on fiber-rich foods like fruits, nuts, vegetables, cheese, milk, plain yoghurt. v Teeth grinding. Habitual, purposeless clenching and grinding of the teeth, especially during sleep wears off enamel and causes tooth sensitivity. If the problem is severe, you need to see a dentist. v Get a professional cleaning: -Plaque and tartar ac...