Come on kids, It’s brushing time!



Taking care of teeth is very important be it for adults or for kids… the thing with adults is that they know what they are doing and why they are doing so… but for kids it becomes difficult for parents to make them brush their teeth.

So this article will guide you on how to make your kid understand the importance of brushing and methods to achieve it.


Tell them what the toothbrush is doing…

Have a conversation with your kid about what they are doing and how brushing their teeth can help in killing the germs in their mouth. Use words which catch their attention and hence increase their willingness to learn about it.      

Give them options and choices…

Give your kids the liberty to choose their own toothbrush. There are many fancy sorts of toothbrushes available in the market which will catch your kid’s attention for sure. Kids are more likely to use toothbrushes with their favorite characters on it.


Give rewards…

Create a reward system for your kid. Every time your kid finishes brushing give them a small reward and this will encourage them.

Brush your teeth together…

Make a habit of brushing together at least once a day, this way you would be able to teach your child how to clean properly as well as you can keep a check on whether they doing it correct or not


Storytelling and watching videos…

Watch short animated videos with your kid on brushing and its importance. Make your brushing time story telling time, read stories to your kid while he/she brushes, this will help increase your child’s interest in brushing time.


For more information, contact us as follows

        Dr. Krinita Motwani’s Dental Clinic

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343.


Visit us :

Instagram handle : @drkrinitamotwani





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